Monday, December 17, 2007
Do you like my Christmas dress?
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Race For The Cure

Friday, December 7, 2007
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth...*

OK, now, let's take a reeeeeeaaaaaallllly close look at that lower gum:
I realize it's still not all that evident, but take my word for it, that whitish patch just left of center is Lily's very first tooth! And the dark line right next to it is the second one, close behind. Lily is making very nice progress towards having a full-on toothy grin. You can feel them very clearly if you stick a finger in there (still pretty safe because there are no opposing upper teeth, although them things are SHARP! Dada does not envy mama when the top ones start coming in...)
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Thanksgiving 2007 - all my peeps came to see me!

Later, after a good nap, Lily took her grandparents to her favorite park near our house, where she and Lovey proudly demonstrated their tandem swinging skills.

Last but not least, Lily and two generations of mommies pose for this cute apres-bath picture.

The next day, we took a trip to the Wild Animal Park. Dada was especially excited about this because it was an opportunity to try our his anniversary present, a cool new jogging stroller (not that dada jogs, but it's also good for general off-roading. It wasn't too long before Lily abandoned it in favor of her more accustomed role as mama's belly-warmer, but cousin Joshy made sure the high-class transportation did not go to waste. Enjoy it while you can, Joshy! One more inch and you're over the height limit!

She also was initiated into a long-standing Li-Scholz-Brient family tradition, specifically eating Po Po's watch. Generations of babies have eaten this watch, and as you can see, Lily is no exception. She also added her own twist by taking an interest in eating Gung Gung's watch, too. An equal opportunity watch-eater, our Lily is!
Also, apparently, grooming. I guess Lily really paid attention to the gorillas and other apes at the Wild Animal Park...

This is dada's favorite part...Lily learned to "talk" (albeit, in this case, with some assistance):
She will also now babble consonant sounds (i.e. "wa wa", "ba ba", etc.) without dada helping. This is actually kinda significant, as that was one of the only milestones she was kind of behind on.
Then, the day before Po Po and Gung Gung left, mama taught Lily how to feed herself with her hands! This was fun (even though Lily cheats if you put the food close enough to pick up with her mouth).
There's actually one more milestone that was pretty much achieved this week, but we're going to wait until we have proper photographic evidence. How's that for foreshadowing?
Well, that's pretty much it! We loved all our visitors, and we hope they come visit again soon so we can show them more tricks.
Friday, November 9, 2007
What a nice birthday surprise for Daddy!
Surprisingly deep voice for a baby, though...
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Did Daddy's birthday present come early?
Cue dramatic music...
I'm calling that a successful crawl! You go, Lily!!!! Since those first tentative, um, steps, she's progressed at an almost alarming pace. This morning she crawled pretty much the entire width of mama and dada's bedroom. The secret, we have discovered, is to have the right "bait". Most any semi-taboo item will do, but telephones and remote controls are particularly effective.
I guess when you get right down to it, we have taught our baby to "fetch". She does not bring the item back to you, however.
A very cute side bonus: if you manage to slip the bait item away from her without her noticing, she will get quite puzzled and sort of rotate in place looking for it.
what do you supPOse Our girl is attemPtING to do?

" the dollar is at its lowest point vs. the Euro ever, it's gone from like 83 cents to $1.45 during the Bush administration...oh, wait, could you excuse me for a moment?"

"Hang on, just let me brace myself a little here...

"Ah, much better. Okay, what were we talking about then?"
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Lily's first Halloween

For her part, Lily did a very good job of staying cheerful and mellow, even though it was getting past her bedtime.