I'm too wiped out to go into all the details, but here's the bottom line: our Lily is here and she's perfect.
Mama cooked her just long enough that her little lungs seem to be working without any help at all, the extra three days we kept her in really did the trick. She's a petite 3 pounds 4 ounces, 39 cm, born 12:22AM on January 30th, and if those are underdeveloped lungs, we're in for it. :-)

We're in a different room now, too. Also, we realize now the main number we had was wrong. We're 858-939-3400, room 682.
Mama is doing great, Pinklet couldn't be pinker, and we couldn't be happier.
Tell you all more later, gotta get some sleep while I have the chance. :^D

Love, Marcus and Pinky