Hi, everyone,
Just to elaborate on my last brief post, I am VERY happy to report that we are well out of harm's way from the big wildfires in San Diego County. We left our house at around 7 AM Monday morning, just a few hours ahead of the general evacuation order, and are safe and sound with Karen's parents in Orange County (just south of Los Angeles). Not that there aren't fires up here too, but thankfully none nearby.
So far, we think our house is OK (the phone still picks up!), and it is rumored that the evacuation order for our area will be lifted soon. However, we will probably stay up here at least a few extra days until air quality improves.
Thank you all for your concern and well wishes! Rest assured that the only imminent danger we currently face is mild boredom. ;-) Things have been a bit tense, as you might expect, but we're settling into a rhythm of sorts. Poor Lily has had kind of a hard time! As you can imagine, this whole episode has been more than a little disruptive to her usual routine, and as a baby who loves to be outside, the air quality issues we have even up here are a big bummer. But even she is getting back into her groove...she's right now taking her first long nap (knock on wood) since we got here, so that's quite a relief. Mama is following her example. :-)
On the plus side, we have been having fun visiting with our relatives. Nono, Nana and the whole gang can't believe how BIG Lily has gotten! I told Nana that if she wanted us to visit she should have just said so, the wildfires really were unnecessary.
The first afternoon, we met up with Tata Rina and family at a local mall. Malls are actually good places to go during these sorts of situations because the air conditioning filters the air pretty well. Here you see Tata Rina and cousin Mallory hanging out with Lily and mama. Lily seems pretty disdainful of Mallory's rice milk, which is odd because it tastes WAY better than formula.
Later that evening, cousin Madi demonstrates one of her newly learned Tae Kwon Do head strikes on Lily.
Lily responds with a Vulcan mind meld, rendering Madi temporarily incoherent. The battle is ruled a draw.
Carrot, anyone? Separated from our beloved nanny and her home-made baby food, we resort to store-bought. We discover that it is quite a bit runnier than anticipated. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that Lily now wants to help, and grabs the spoon.
Anyways, not much to do but wait. Today's big entertainment was to go to Target and Babies R Us, where we test-drove a jogging stroller. Lily's only feedback were that the straps seemed to be just as delicious as on her regular stroller. But if anything interesting happens, we'll keep you posted!
Marcus, Pinky & Lily