Well, we're back from a brief holiday blogging hiatus...and boy, a lot sure has happened since our last post! So without further ado, let us bring you up to speed on Lily's first Thanksgiving.

Well, our holidays got off to a VERY good start with the return of Po Po and Gung Gung. They came and visited us for ten whole days! How neat is that! Although Lily did make a special point of staying up late to greet her grandparents, she was more or less on her way to bed, so no photos. But by the next morning, as you can see, Lily was very proudly welcoming her grandparents to "her" house, and although Lily and Gung Gung may SEEM uncertain of each other in this first picture, it was actually a very happy reunion.

The first day we mostly hung around the house, but by Sunday we were ready for an outing, so we headed down to Balboa Park to wander around. Lily loves fountains, so of course we had to check those out. We also spent a long time in the botantical garden, looking at and smelling all manner of interesting plants. By the end of it all, Lily was quite sleepy, and enjoyed a nice snuggle with Gung Gung on the way back to the car.
Later, after a good nap, Lily took her grandparents to her favorite park near our house, where she and Lovey proudly demonstrated their tandem swinging skills.

So anyways, we filled our days with such entertainments (not the least of which being mama and dada's second wedding anniversary! Yayyy!! But this is Lily's blog, so enough of that...). Po Po especially enjoyed seeing how Lily gives her mama and dada a bath. Hey dada, how come you're standing so far back?

Then, on Tuesday, crrrrrrazy Aunty Cathy and her family joined us! We hadn't seen them since our San Francisco trip, and Lily was MUCH more at ease this time around, and really enjoyed Aunty Cathy, Uncle Paul, and most especially cousins Tyler and Joshy. The young ones really hit it off this time around, and had much fun over the rest of the week playing with each other.
And then...Thanksgiving! The extended Mojica clan came down to join us for the holiday itself, so we had nineteen people in total at the house. How fun! Cooking was a community effort, with mama, dada, Po Po, Nana, Aunty Cathy, Tata Rina, Toto Kevin, and Uncle Paul all contributing deliciously to the overall feast. Dada's contribution was this huge turkey (at over 20 lbs, a good 30% heavier than Lily, but not nearly as good-looking).

Coincidentally, that very day turned out to be cousin Madi's birthday! So naturally, we had presents, singing, and CAKE! Happy birthday, Madi!! Please also note Lily's partially-closed eyes. This is the direct result of her having been the victim of about two thousand flash photos that evening. Lily now knows the minimum time interval between the autofocus assist light and the flash, and closes her eyes accordingly.
As part of our Thanksgiving festivities, we also tried to get a nice picture of the girl cousins wearing their Christmas dresses. As you can see from the below, we had mixed results.

Last but not least, Lily and two generations of mommies pose for this cute apres-bath picture.

The next day, we took a trip to the Wild Animal Park. Dada was especially excited about this because it was an opportunity to try our his anniversary present, a cool new jogging stroller (not that dada jogs, but it's also good for general off-roading. It wasn't too long before Lily abandoned it in favor of her more accustomed role as mama's belly-warmer, but cousin Joshy made sure the high-class transportation did not go to waste. Enjoy it while you can, Joshy! One more inch and you're over the height limit!

The really cool thing about this week, though, was that Lily really seemed to bust out a lot of new skills. Of course, she extensively showed off her new crawling abilities, but this week she was all about standing. Lily pulls herself up all the time now, and has even balanced unsupported for a second or two. So walking (or at least "cruising") may not be that far off!

She also was initiated into a long-standing Li-Scholz-Brient family tradition, specifically eating Po Po's watch. Generations of babies
have eaten this watch, and as you can see, Lily is no exception. She also added her own twist by taking an interest in eating Gung Gung's watch, too. An equal opportunity watch-eater, our Lily is!
Also, apparently, grooming. I guess Lily really paid attention to the gorillas and other apes at the Wild Animal Park...

This is dada's favorite part...Lily learned to "talk" (albeit, in this case, with some assistance):
She will also now babble consonant sounds (i.e. "wa wa", "ba ba", etc.) without dada helping. This is actually kinda significant, as that was one of the only milestones she was kind of behind on.
Then, the day before Po Po and Gung Gung left, mama taught Lily how to feed herself with her hands! This was fun (even though Lily cheats if you put the food close enough to pick up with her mouth).
There's actually one more milestone that was pretty much achieved this week, but we're going to wait until we have proper photographic evidence. How's that for foreshadowing?
Well, that's pretty much it! We loved all our visitors, and we hope they come visit again soon so we can show them more tricks.