Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Yes, I know, I'm so not current with the blog it's not even funny. For the record, if you want close to real-time pictures of what's going us with us, you can follow Pinky on Facebook. :-)

But I digress! The real reason for this post is, my Onkel Joachim and Tante Waltraut sent Lily a lovely present, and we wanted to show it off.

Isn't she cute? Such a big girl!

I'm pretty sure Onkel Joachim and Tante Waltraut don't look at the blog, but if any German readers happen to talk to them, you can let them know that we've sent them some pictures the old fashioned way, and we thank them very, very much.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

Proper storage for a Lily

Somewhere in this picture is a Lily...
Can't find her? Check out the video!

Hey, maybe we can quit buying her a seat on airplanes...I'm pretty sure the overhead compartments are bigger than this...

Monday, May 3, 2010

two little monkeys

Playdate with Zoe...ain't they cute?

Thankfully, none fell off and broke their heads.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Singin' and spellin'

Old MacDonald, with interpretive dance

Spelling "I Love You" mostly right. (Actually, I think the "five" is technically correct)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Easter at the Mojica's

Just a bunch of videos from Easter at the Mojicas. No funny commentary or effects, just straight-up cuteness.

Painting eggs:

After egg painting...

Egg Hunt!

You spin me right 'round, baby...

Kitty cats!

Easter baskets and a yummy marshmallow chocolate egg