Saturday was Pinky's 40th birthday. Under different circumstances, we probably would have gone away for a birthday this momentous, but with Lily so recently on the scene, our options were somewhat limited. In the
end, we opted to throw a party at the house, and I'm SO glad we did. All of Pinky's Orange County family (including Rina's in-laws Noel and Tita Chang!) came down, and many of our favorite people here in San Diego all came over to join the fun. We were able to decorate the house on the sly (thanks to Rina getting Pinky out of the house!), we had a great mix of catered and homemade food, but most of all, just a wonderful gathering of
wonderful people. The house was alive with great conversation, children playing, wonderul food smells, and just an overall sense of happiness and friendship. As one friend aptly put it, we had "a house full of love". Unfortunately, I didn't get many pictures because I was running around like a maniac, so if anyone else has pics (Thom...hint, hint!) they'd be greatly appreciated.
After the party wound down, we were left with just family...Nana and Nono, Thom and Rina, Madi and Mallory, and of course us. That was sooooo nice, too. It really was great just to have everyone hanging out...THIS is the reason we got a house this big, so that family could comfortably stay with us! Not just for the company, even...it was great to get Mommy advice from Rina and Nana, Daddy war stories from Thom, Madi calling out "Uncle Maaaaarkie" every few seconds, and of course, heat butts from Mallory. So nice! Having so much family sleeping together under our roof really gave us a wonderful sense of well-being.

The next day, we all went to church together, followed by a FANTASTIC brunch courtesy of Nana and Rina. YUMMY! And lots more good family time. Of course, we had to take pictures of everyone in their Easter finery, especially all the girls.
Sadly, Rina and her clan had to head home, and Nono left the next day, but Nana has stayed with us all week, and is basically saving our lives. That'll be it's own post in the next few days!
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