Monday, July 30, 2007

And now, going the other way...

Yay Lily!!

I know, you may not believe from the video that her mama didn't help, but Lily has done this four times to date. The first time, her dada had ACTUALLY managed to put her in her crib to sleep (for, like, the first time EVER) and was vainly attempting to soothe her back to sleep after waking up, when suddenly...flip!! Well, at that point she REALLY got mad and got picked up. But not after recording yet another major accomplishment (two, in fact...the crib sleeping is a big thing for us!)

Incidentally, we kept her on her tummy for a minute or two after this flip to see if she'd flip back. She did not, but she did kind of "half-crawl", by which I mean that she scooted herself forward a foot or so, but only using her legs, so it was kind of like a snow plow and not much enjoyed by her. Poor Lily! You have to use your arms, too, baby!

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