Well, we are VERY happy to report that, although there are still some tears at bedtimes, Lily has responded VERY well to sleep training. As of this writing, she's typically taking anywhere from about 5 to 25 minutes to soothe herself to sleep from when we put her down. But the big surprise benefit is, she sleps a LOT more soundly! She had been rolling over to "comfort nurse" from her mama every hour or two when we were co-sleeping, but now she gets thru the night only nursing twice!! She's even gone over 5 hours at a stretch on a few occasions, which, technically, is considered "sleeping through the night". This is a bit odd because she does this as her first sleep, so six-seven hours from bedtime still means she's up between 12 and 2AM. But we'll take it!

Nono and Nana came down for the weekend to help us out because we assumed we'd be fighting all night with Lily and would need backup during the day. That turned out to be completely not the case (we were probably better rested than we've been in months!), but we loved the visit. Lily loves going outside with Nana, and she finally let Nono hold her a good long time. I caught this picture thru the window. Nana will probably be mortified, but I think it's cute!!
Many other firsts this week...stay tuned for another blog entry, hopefully shortly! We got some coooool stuff!
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