I hear Santa’s Village in Poway is worth checking out….I received this note from another mom who just recently went the other night and thought I would pass it along.
Santa’s Village Family Night in Poway
This begins on December 10 and goes through December 23 (open every night except Sunday night). This is a MUST if you haven't been before. For those of you who don't know anything about it, it's a family who converts their home and property into "Santa's Village." It is done solely for the public to come see and celebrate Christmas. You tour thru the house, sit at tables and chairs and eat TONS of cookies, hot apple cider, hot chocolate, etc. The lights and the decorations are unreal and it's FREE!!!!!!!! ! Santa and Mrs. Claus are there (there is a line for that but you can skip it if you want). All kids go home with a toy and it is just SOOO much fun and SOOOO festive. It's open every night (except Sunday) from 6-8pm and the address is 17868 Joyas Court , Poway , CA 92064 .

So we thought, hey, this sounds pretty cool! So the Saturday before Christmas, we went to check it out. Here's what we found!
We actually had to park pretty far away...this place is popular! But after a short walk we came to this loooooong driveway. Peering out at us from the darkness was this huge Santa float...just a hint of what was to come!

Oustide the house...and hey, by the way, isn't Lily's coat cute? She looks soooooo cozy!

This soldier stood guard at the front door, but we couldn't get him to talk to us. I guess it's like the guards at Buckingham Palace, they're not supposed to acknowledge you, or something.
Inside was just awesome! There was room after room, just packed with Christmas-y decorations! Most festive.

Mama really liked this staircase. Please note the reindeer racing down the banister!

Out in back of the house, they had this super neat Christmas village. It was even "snowing"!!

The displays continued even into the garage. Note that the first one has a firefighting theme: this house was right where the wildfires burned through, and even the house across the street from theirs had burned! So they were very thankful that their place survived, I'm sure.

Pretty cool, huh? And there was coffee and chocolate and cider and cookies, and a Santa for the kids, and free presents for the little ones. I hear the family that owns the place owns a chain called Boomers, so they're pretty well off, and just like doing this to give back to the community. We loved it, and we'll definitely check it out again! A great way to kick off our Christmas week!

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