The fun started a few days before my actual birthday. I woke up SO excited about my party, but I had to wait. I did practice my gift-opening skills on this bit of leftover Christmas present. Hey, dada, is it time to open gifts?

How 'bout if I PULL on your nostril? THEN is it time?

What? I was just asking a question?
I was so excited, I couldn't settle down to nap all day. Dada tried to make me sleep by taking me out for a drive, but I wasn't fooled. I didn't want to miss a bit of my birthday! Anyways, by the time we got back, people had already started to arrive for my party. Yaayyy! Look how festive things are!

See my pretty dress? Po Po and Gung Gung got me this dress, it makes me look very ladylike.

Mama had done a lot of work to make sure it was a really good party. She ordered great Filipino food (which I helped dada pick up while I wasn't napping), decorated the place really nice, made gift bags for all my kid friends, and even

This is my very special cake. My nanny Norma made it for me all by herself! The doll on top is supposed to be me, except I guess when I'm bigger 'cause I don't have that much hair yet. I'd never had cake before! In fact, I don't think I'd even seen cake, at least not this close up.

Here I am blowing out my candle. Mama helped!
OK, now the moment of truth...cake tasting time!
OK, so maybe I was a LITTLE cranky, but bear in mind that I hadn't had ANY nap. so you gotta cut me some slack!Next up...pinata time! Of course, I'm too little to really take a swing at a pinata. Some of my friends like Lucas, Clara and Madi are big enough, but mostly seemed to want to negotiate peacefully.

Big kid Natalia finally tries to show us how it's done. Hey, is it just me or does the pinata look like it's trying to run away?

Turns out this is a common problem, for which the pinata industry has created a clever solution. They put on these little ribbons, one of which opens a trap door. Pulling ribbons is much more my speed, so I was able to get in on the act, along with other little folks like Jesse here.

Here I am chillin' with all the Mojica women post-pinata. Whew!

Well, that was about it for the day of my party, but a couple days later, on my ACTUAL birthday, Aunty 'Chelle, Uncle Charlie, Molly, and my boyfriend Andy-rew came over to help me celebrate again. Hey, Aunty 'Chelle, is it time for cake yet?

How about NOW??
I was able, through such methods of gentle persuasion, to convince everyone to give me another chance at attacking a cake. I did a little better this time!

After dinner and cake, we opened more presents, although I seemed to have a hard time concentrating on account of Andy-rew having such a cute bum.

Posing with my future in-laws.
...and with that, I am officially 1 year old! We now close this blog with my cousins Tyler and Joshy singing me Happy Birthday. Yaaayyy!

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