A couple posts back I mentioned that Lily now LOOOOOVES swimming. Well, look! Here's proof!

Super-nanny Norma took Lily swimming at this community pool near her mom's house (which, in the small world department, happens to be right next door to a house dada lived in for the first month he was in San Diego...weird!). It's a really nice setup for Lily because they have this whole wading pool just for little ones, where Lily can stand quite nicely.

Lily is quite fearless in the water...perhaps too much so! She would jump straight in if we let her. So swim lessons are going to be a requirement, we think.
Here's a little video. Please note how Lily "swims" on a noodle (0:23) deliberately sticks her face in the water (0:39), piggy squeals in protest (1:19) if you try to take her out before she's ready, then decides to climb out anyways (1:30):
And, of course, the apres swim bunny swaddle...
By the way, dada bought the two-piece suit featured here for Lily but I think mama is rejecting its further use. I think she's worried Lily is too cute in a bikini and the boys at the pool may whistle at her. (At least it's forever commemorated in blog history!)
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