That Murphy guy is on my bad side right now, though. Because instead of having a very nice weekend celebrating Tata Rina's birthday with all the Mojica's and Ye's, and then possibly meeting up with friends at Disneyland on the way home, the low-level cold Lily's been nursing for the last ten days or so blew up into a fever. Full-fledged, pushing 104 degrees, high enough that we were calling nurses and reconnoitering emergency rooms.

So, instead, we packed up and went home...Lily woke up at like 6 AM, and we figured:
a) she wasn't going to be in much of a good mood for a party
b) by driving home, she might get some more sleep (which she did, as you can see here. Poor sweety)
We also doubled her usual ration of loveys, since we felt so sorry for her.
Thankfully, by Monday, the scary fever had broke, but as of late Tuesday we still have a very grumpy, fretful, sleepy Lily, who of course resists anything that might end up helping her (like medicines or fluids), so that's not much fun. She does have relatively happy moments at times, but mostly, major grumpus. This is also probably due in no small part to the two new teeth we just noticed cutting thru her upper gums. Talk about adding insult to injury!!
One small plus of all this is that Lily has broken her months-long streak of refusing to sleep on people...Mama got a few nice snuggle naps yesterday. Dada, on the other hand, is only allowed to be a respectful distance touchy!
We have also watched the same five episodes of Wonder Pets about a thousand times, as that's all Lily wants to watch, and gets positively hysterical if we don't comply. (Note: this often takes the form of bonus hysteria above and beyond whatever crying she was already doing, interspersed with insistent cries of "PETS!!")
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention...the reason we were celebrating Tata Rina's birthday at the Mojica's is that Uncle Thom broke his leg pretty badly and can't really deal with restaurants. Or with taking his wife to Napa for her birthday, which is what was ORIGINALLY supposed to be happening that weekend.
If I ever catch that Murphy guy, he's getting SUCH a smack...
P.S. Lily is definitely getting better, though, so don't get too worried reading this blog. Mostly, Dada is venting his spleen at whoever is responsible for scheduling fevers and teeth.
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