Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween 2008 - Costumeophobia

Well, it's just after 11PM on Halloween night...didn't go exactly as expected, but we get a good story out of it!

So, let me start at the beginning, which is actually a week ago. Lily's carefully selected costume was to be Ming-Ming of the Wonder Pets, her favorite TV show. We figured it'd be perfect! Lily absolutely LOVES Ming Ming - she asks to see "Pets!" every day, and calls Ming Ming "baby!" So we were all excited to get her a costume that would be so tied into something she enjoys.

Here's the costume itself. Cute, right?

So the idea was, she would wear the costume to this party/open house at her daycare last Friday. Dada had a singing performance that same evening, so Mama was going to take Lily to the party for a little while then join him later. Which they did, but sans costume. Turns out, Lily HATED the costume...poor thing cried and cried! Our theory at the time was that maybe she thought it was Ming Ming's pelt.

Tonight, though, we found out that it's a more generalized costume anxiety.
Here, you see a selection of the costumes Lily rejected this evening. Ming Ming, Cinderella, Chargers cheerleader (although the last one is understandable, the Chargers are pretty bad this season)...all deemed totally unacceptable by our Lily. We can't figure out what it is, but she really doesn't seem to like costumes. We began to despair that we would find anything she'd be willing to wear.

Our last chance was to try these Chinese pajamas Dada bought Lily in Singapore. We figured, pajamas, right? She wears pajamas all the time, should be no problem, right?

Except, not so much. As you can see, Lily is not fooled. We thought she'd be okay with it once it was on, but it didn't play out that way. I'll admit, it was actually kind of cute watching her try to get out of it, but we quickly relented and let her take the top back off.

Oddly enough, with just the pants, she was perfectly happy. See? In fact, she's sleeping in them right now! And you know, dressed like that, with her hair all messed up, she reminds me of someone...wait! I've got it!

Problem solved! Happy Halloween, everybody!

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