A few days after Christmas, we stopped by the Wild Animal Park to see the Festival of Lights., where they do up the park with all these christmassy and animal-themed light sculptures. We figured Lily would like that, but what we were REALLY excited about what that they advertised having a real snow sledding hill. Snow!! Lily has never in your young life seen snow, so we figured this would be pretty neat.

Unfortunately, the hill itself was a bit underwhelming. More like Sno(tm) than snow (as in Sno-Cones? Get it? Heh...ok, moving on...). Nonetheless, mama gamely takes Lily on her fist sled ride. Whee!

Since we were already there, we figured we'd walk around a bit and see the lights, maybe see an animal or two. Here you see Pinky and Lily with a OH MY GOSH LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!! GIANT FEROCIOUS CARNIVORE!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES...oh, wait, it's behind glass, false alarm.
This was actually the coolest thing we saw that night in my opinion. All three lions were hanging out right by the glass (they heat the rocks at night there, so it's a favorite spot).
One challenged Lily to a starting contest, but as you can see, was quickly cowed by her steely glare.

Next year, they'll be moving the festival to the Zoo instead of the Wild Animal park, so we're glad we got to see it. Very cool!

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