Thursday, April 5, 2007

Tata Rina!! Yay! Now we have the complete set :-)

I am happy to report that, after patiently waiting for her Tata Rina to be relatively sniffle-free, Lily finally got her long-awaited snuggle. Tata Rina (along with Nana, Nono, Toto Thom, and cousins Madi and Mallroy) had come down to Legoland for the day last Sunday, so we got to meet up with them for dinner before they headed home. At two months old, Lily is only just now getting to the size Rina's babies were when they were born...7 lbs 3 oz, 19 1/4" long as of Monday the 2nd, to be specific! Rina can't get over how light Lily is! Of course, Lily was on her best behavior for Tata Rina, even letting her give her a bottle. Yummy! Lily says this first snuggle is a good start, but she wants lots more, and as soon as possible! Aunties give the best snuggles.

Cousin Madi still hasn't held Lily as she has not been certified 100% germ-free. ;-) But she did pose for this cool picture with her Tata Pinky, resplendent in war paint.

(we may have to let Madi hold Lily next time if she asks, just so we don't get on her bad side. Madi looks fierce!!)

Anyways, the whole crowd should be coming back down to San Diego this weekend for Pinky's birthday, so everyone will get more chances!

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