Monday, October 20, 2008

At the Hop

This one is for Toto Kevin. Back at Easter, he got Lily this rabbit, frog, and two chicks ensemble that sings "At the Hop" when you squeeze the rabbit's foot. Lily has recently rediscovered this toy, and loudly proclaims "HOP!" when she wants you to make it sing. (also, she will grab your finger to make you push the button if you are insufficiently prompt)

Listening to At the Hop is far from a passive activity, however:

Mama will probably kill me for posting this video, but I felt the public had a right to see. Besides, mama has very cute legs, so I don't see the problem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just loved this one!! I couldn't help but laugh and laugh so much that I almost fell off my computer seat. Lily is too cute (and Karen's hips look good too)