Thursday, March 8, 2007

If you watch carefully, you can see me grow...

Today we had another pediatrician checkup for Lily...the big new of the day is that we have officially crossed the five pound mark! Five pounds, three ounces to be exact, plus at 18 inches long we have grown 3/4" in the last week. Dada says we're shooting to be over 6 pounds by her original due date, and it seems well within reach! So, our Pinklet is filling out nicely, and continues to be a happy, healthy baby.

(Note for those who may be using these dimensions to pick out clothes: 18 inches is her TOTAL length. So, say, for example, you see a really cute outfit and it's 17 inches long, be aware that while it may theoretically fit, the collar will come up approximately to her eyebrows. :-) )

Lily also met some new people last night - Aunty Jackie and Uncle Dennis stopped by to visit. We couldn't help but notice that they seemed to take quite naturally to baby-minding, with Dennis seeming especially squooshy. You know, those two really ought to have a baby of their own...

1 comment:

Dennis said...

Excellent advice! We'll get right on it... ;)