Friday, March 16, 2007

The many faces of Pinklet

You may have noticed that a disproportionate number of Lily's pictures ever since we got her home are of her sleeping, eyes firmly closed. This is not so much because she sleeps all the time, but rather that when whe's up, she either needs some sort of maintenance (i.e. diaper and/or food), or she's just so cute we forget to take her picture.

Well, one day, we decided, by gum, we need a nice picture of her with her eyes open. So the next time she woke up, we're like, "ooh! Get the camera!" Thing is, babies don't exactly smile on demand. Not only that, when you're flashing a bright light in their faces about once every three seconds, they can tend to get a bit perplexed. Anyways, long story short, we didn't exactly get the quintissential photo of Lily being alert and inquisitive photos that we had set out to take, but I think the ones we did get are awfully funny. So I thought I'd share. Enjoy!

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