Friday, April 25, 2008


Well, a couple weekends back, we finally got around to doing a bit of babyproofing...specifically, latches for several of the kitchen cabinets. Good thing, too, because just later that same day, THIS started happening (sped up a bit because I know you're all busy people):

In fairness, she does sometimes try to clean up...

They say it's actually good for baby's development to let her, ah, "explore" like this, so we're letting her have unfettered access to the cabinets that don't have anything poisonous or breakable in them. Besides, it's kind of cute! Although, we'll probably feel different after the thousandth time or so.

We also put gates on the stairs a couple days ago. Why, you may ask? Well, because THIS has been going on:

Oh, and, not babyproofing-related as such, but Lily also now takes it upon herself to double-check the recycle bin. Apparently, to see if it is delicious enough to recycle:

Heaven help us once she figures out how to walk!

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