This weekend, my Tata Cathy came aaaaaallllll the way from Boston to come visit me. Isn't she nice? She could only come for a few days because she has two little boys of her own, and apparently if she leaves them too long with their dada they will eat him alive. Yikes! Boys sure are different. I think I'll stick to milk!
My Tata Cathy loved me soooo much. And she really helped Mama and Dada a lot!! Not only did she cook us a lot of wonderful food, but she told Mama and Dada lots of important parent stuff, like how much to react to my moods, and how to give me an interesting and stimulating
environment. Looooove Tata Cathy. She tells me stories, and sings to me, and watches Warren Miller Extreme Skiing videos on television with me. She told me I can do extreme sports when I get bigger, but I'm not so sure Dada agrees. Anyways, we had such a lovely visit. She got Mama and Dada to set up this Baby Einstein play area for me. I sit in the Boppy and look at all this cool
stuff. In fact, on the last day of her visit, I even figured out how to bat at some of the toys with my hands. Sometimes. It's pretty hard! But Mama and Dada were SOOOOO excited, so I'm going to keep trying really hard.

I should mention that Tata Caty is apparently on the fence as to whether she is a Tata or an Aunty. At first, she thought Tata, because cousin Tyler apparently likes the parallelism of his mama being my Tata Cathy and my mama being his Tata Pinky. But this weekend, she seemed to be having second thoughts. I think maybe she relates more to the "Aunty" title. She even went so far to say that maybe she would be my Crazy Aunty Cathy. I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I think I like the sound of it. It seems to suggest that mischief might be involved.
The only sad thing about her visit was that it was soooooo short. As you can see, I asked her pretty pretty pretty pretty please stay forEVER, but she loves her own babies to much to abandon them. Of course, I think a simple compromise would be for her to bring her babies HERE, but apparently it's not that simple. Siiiigh.
Love you, Crazy Aunty Tata Cathy! Thank you for coming to see me! I miss you, hope I can see you again very soon!!