Hi, everybody! Daddy gave me my own email account so I can post all by myself. I think that was very nice, but I hope Dada is not suggesting that there's anything wrong with sharing. I'm very impressionable, you know.

So by now, I've been home for more than a week, and things have settled down pretty well. Mama and Dada have gotten used to following my orders, and since Po Po and Gung are here, I think my parents feel not quite so panicked. In fact, we were feeling brave enough that by this weekend, we were finally ready to go outside! As you can see, my car seat is still a bit roomy but we did not let that deter us. So on Saturday, we went for a stroll around the neighborhood, and on Sunday, we went out for brunch at the Original Pancake house. For my part, I was very good in both cases. Between you and me, I find the stroller and the car quite soothing, and the hustle and bustle of the restaurant was kind of nice, too. Lots of people looked and me and thought I was cute! I guess Mama and Dada used to go there every Sunday with Aunty Michelle, Uncle Charlie and my friend Molly. Hopefully we'll all do that again soon! I hear they have a new baby named Andy in their family too. I wonder if he's handsome?

Also on Sunday, Uncle Andy and Aunty Erica came to visit me. Dada tells me Uncle Andy and baby Andy are not related, although they have similar hairstyles. Aunty Erica held me, which was really nice, and Uncle Andy even tried to feed me! He was very brave. I hear they're getting married this summer. Maybe they'll try and have some babies for me to hang out with soon afterward.
On a more personal front, I am now a big fan of Mylicon. I used to be a bit gassy, but after Mama and Dada started adding some drops to my food, problem solved! I will confess that I have not been, ah, terribly "regular" in the last day or so, but between Mama exercising my legs and Dada massaging my belly, things finally worked out. Dada says "everything came out alright in the end" and then giggles. He's SO immature.

So, that's about it! I'm really enjoying being home, especially Po Po and Gung Gung taking such good care of me. Po Po feeds me and loves me ALL the time! Gung Gung gives me lots of good 'tuggles, too.
Whew! This blogging stuff tuckers me out. Nap time! Love you, everybody!

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