Hi, everybody! Dada says I can use his computer to blog, but I have to be VERY careful. No spit-up on the laptop!

Actually, lots of people came to visit me those two days...Aunty Char, Aunty Patti, Tata Rina, Toto Kevin, Uncle John, and my cousins Madi and Mallory, what fun! Unfortunately, once again Dada wasn't totally on the ball and didn't take pictures of everyone, so you'll have to take my word for it. But it was SO nice to meet more of Mama's
friends and family! I even got to go shopping with Tata Rina, Mama and Mallory. You know, this whole shopping experience is oddly alluring...I get the oddest feeling that I'm really going to get into it in the future, once I can do things like talk, walk, and use credit cards.
Dada mentioned in his last post that we went up to visit Nono and Nana in Cerritos. Dada was kind of nervous about it because he was worried how well I would adjust to a new environment. Silly dada! I was FINE!
Although I suppose it helped that they brought most of my things, including my bed. But mostly what made it special was all the loving I got! On to pictures!

As you can see here, Nana gave me really good hugs. And don't I actually look kind of like a lily in this picture! Nana always give me snuggles, but what was really special is that now Nono does too! At first he said he was scared to hold me 'cause I'm so little, but I'm not so small now. I'm almost seven pounds! Considering I'm only just today supposed to be born, I think seven pounds is pretty darn good. Anyways, I know I look like I'm mad in this picture with Nono, but actually, I was just making sure everyone knew what was happening. "Everyone come look NOW!!!"

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