Our next visitors arrived just later the same day...Mama and Dada's friends Matt, Amy, and Valorie came and brought us wine, dinner, and much appreciated adult interaction. Again, somehow we missed getting Valorie, but you see here that Matt and Amy are quite adept at baby snuggling. Careful, guys! These things are contagious!
Tuesday brought with it MORE of Po Po's siblings...Uncle Fred and Aunty Elaine came to visit,

(by the way...5 pounds 11 ounces as of Tuesday morning. Gaining over an ounce a day! We're trying for an even 6 by the weekend)
Then, while Uncle Fred and Aunty Elaine were still there, Michelle and Charlie ALSO stopped by, with Charlie's uncle and aunt from Minnesota and, of course, baby Andy. Every time I think Lily's getting big, I think about "little" Andy and get my expectations promptly recalibrated. Now THAT'S a solid baby! For those of you not in the know, Andy is Lily's future husband. Their parents have it all figured out. But shhh! Don't tell them! If they get any idea, youthful rebellion will spoil our plans! Once they get a bit more self aware, we'll need to get more formal about our reverse psychology, but for now, we can get away with posing them for embarassing pictures like these that we will eventually trot out at their rehearsal dinner.

All these visitors coming to see us made us feel a bit braver, so we actually took Miss Lily out to my singing rehearsal Tuesday night. She protested a bit as we were putting her in the carseat, but like most babies she settled right down once the car was in motion. And oh, the loving she got! Everyone was very happy to see her, and she got special snuggles from Aunty Carly and Aunty Susan. Aunty Carly also presented her with her first tennis shoes. Pink, naturally. :-)

But her favorite snuggles of all are still Po Po and Gung Gung. They're not visitors, they're FAMILY! Poor Lily will be sad I think when they finally head back home this Saturday, but that just means we'll need to find a way to reunite them soon.
Phew! That was a long one! I actually have a lot more cute pictures, though, so I may have to do a follow-up post soon.
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