The day started off much like any other. I got up around my usual time (after sleeping VERY well like a big girl, I might add), and after invading Nono and Nana's bedroom to say good morning, I had a delicious meal of pureed carrot. Yummy! After breakfast, mama and dada brought out a very special present from my Po Po and Gung Gung. I helped open it! Check me out!
Inside there was something very cool...a beauuuuuutiful music box! But that wasn't all! Inside the music box was a gold cross and chain, and a small Virgin Mary medallion on a pin. Well, we called Po Po and Gung, and Po Po explained that that cross and medallion were given to her when she was a young lady, and she was very happy to have someone to pass them on to. How cool is that? Thank you soooo much, Po Po!
Well, after hanging out with all my peeps for a while I took a short morning nap. Good thing, because it turned out to be pretty much the last nap I would have all day!

A little before 1PM, right when I was starting to think about catching another catnap, Dada shows up and he's got this funny thing tied around his neck. I'd never seen him wearing such a thing, so I immediately know something was up. Anyways, after a few more pictures, mama, dada and I loaded into the car and headed out with Toto Kevin and Uncle John. I kept staring at mama and Toto Kevin to try and get them to explain to me what was happening, but eventually I gave up and tried to catch a nap, but wouldn't ya know, not five minutes later we get to this church and they wake me up again.

Well, we go inside, and here's where I REALLY realize something must be up because they put me in this HUGE dress! It's super pretty! I think it belongs to my cousins Madi and Mallory, but they let me borrow it. Anyways, turns out it was my baptism! Lots of

Well, after all this we got back in the car and I figured I'd FINALLY get my nap. But nope! I got to snooze in the car a little bit, but it turns out we were going to a PARTY!

Inside it was soooooo beautiful. See? And LOTS of my friends were there.

See? Here's Aunty Char again. Hi, Aunty Char! She gave me lots of good snuggles that day. (But what's Toto Tom doing to Mallory? Hey! Show some respect to us babies!)

Look at all this food! But would you believe, with all these trays, not ONE of them had pureed squash in it? What kind of restaurant is this? What's a girl supposed to eat? Oh, well, there's always my ba.

Over here, mama and dada (and later, Godmama Rina and Goddada Kevin) are posing with me and my cake! Doesn't it look yummy? It was strawberry, which doesn't really mean anything to me because I haven't tried strawberries yet but mama says it's good. But hey, I know I can't spell yet, but I think Lily is only supposed to have TWO "L's"...

Whew! What a day, I'm wiped out! One last picture with mama and Nana and I'm outta here! Gotta catch some z's.
And that was it! My big day! What do you think?
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