A lot of you probably know that I have a new nanny, Miz Norma. She's been taking care of me since the beginning of September, and she's already one of my favorite people. She's been helping me learn about solid food and sitting up and pooping every day and stuff, so I'm sure we'll be talking a lot about Norma as time goes on. But for now, I wanna tell you about Brandy.

Brandy was my FIRST nanny, and she took care of me since I guess about May. We did a lot of cool things together. When we weren't hanging out at home, she's take me places like the mall, and the park, and the zoo, and this cool lake that I really like.

All these pictures were ones from her camera that she gave to mama and dada, so you can see how much fun we had together. She also helped me learn how to do things like roll
over...remember the blog where there was a video of me rolling? Remember the person putting me down to do that? That was my Brandy!

We always had a fun time together, whether it was playing in my bouncy or the swings (she tucks blankets in my belly so I'll fit!), or just chillin' on the front lawn. And even when I was sad, she took really good care of me...for a while
there, she was the only one who could get me to sleep during the day (at least until dada got trained by Po Po), and she was always willing to bounce me on the yoga ball if I ever needed a little help to be happy.

Anyways, Brandy met a very nice boy and they're getting married this weekend, so she moved to LA and can't be my nanny anymore. That made me kind of sad, but her family lives in Temecula so I hope we can still visit sometimes! In the meantime, I always have my "Brandy bunny" that we made together at Build-a-Bear so I can remember her.
Hope you have a great wedding, Brandy! I miss you and love you.
- Lily xoxo
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