When I posted the piano video, I promised a longer report on the weekend... sorry I took so long to get around to it! Anyways, Lily is getting to be quite the sleeping champ...not only is she often sleeping thru the night (somewhat to her still-breastfeeding mama's dismay), but she's gotten more flexible about where she'll do it. Remember when we reported from the San Francisco trip that she had a hard time sleeping out of her normal environment? Well, since then, she has demonstrated her willingness to sleep ALL kinds of places...she's now allowed us to put her down a few times at Michelle and Charlie's place (in boyfriend Andy's crib...yes, I know, slightly scandalous, but rest assured they have not shared a crib...yet!). And two weekends ago, she not only slept over at Nono and Nana's, but napped there too!

But I'm getting ahead of myself: before we went to Nono and Nana's, we went to visit Aunty Char!
Lily was REALLY good at Aunty Char's place. This was partly due to mama and dada being extra careful to make sure Lily got her naps before we went up, but she was a perfect angel and didn't fuss hardly at all! As you can see, she even let Char and Andre snuggle her! Uncle Andre hadn't met her before, and I think he was quite taken with our little girl. As for Aunty Char, it's been over 4 months since the last time she held Lily, and as you can see from this picture we took of that
visit, there have been quite a few changes since then! Lily is both quite a bit bigger and much more willing to be held and loved by people who are not her mama. Andre and Char even called her an "easy baby", which should give you some idea of how much Lily was on her best behavior. :-) Anyways, we had a really great visit (including a delicious feast of mexican food...yuuuuummmmmmmy tacos!), and we can't wait to go again!
Afterwards, we went and spent the night at Nono and Nana's. We were a little bit nervous since Lily hasn't spent the night there since we stopped
co-sleeping, but she was a star...she only woke up once to nurse, and she didn't even have her white noise to help soothe her! Good baby! So she
slept great, and had a very good disposition all the next day. She even let us take her to church! Later in the day, mama and dada needed to go to an orientation for Lily's upcoming baptism, and she was sleeping so nicely we left her with her grandparents. When we got back, Nono proudly informed us that he held her lots and she didn't cry. Of course she doesn't cry, Nono! SHe LOVES you! Aunty Rina got lots of good cuddles in too, as you can see.

And, of course, she learned to play the piano. Wow! My goodness, Lily!

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