Mostly, though, she's our little angel, and we can't imagine how we got by without her.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
The cavalry has arrived!
Mostly, though, she's our little angel, and we can't imagine how we got by without her.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Something Lily's grandma pointed out
Friday, February 23, 2007
Finally home
So as I write this, we've officially been home more than one full day. We're all doing pretty good, actually. I think all three of us were pretty anxious the first night, and none of us got a whole lot of sleep, but the new day finds us a little more self-assured. We had a checkup with Lily's new pediatrician, Dr. Battey, this morning, and we have it on good authority that we didn't break her overnight. In fact, Dr. Battey says she's the picture of health, and everything is just fine. Whew! So now that we all know that there's nothing intrinsically life-threatening about our house, I think we'll all breathe easier tonite.
Aurora, one our our favorite nurses
dwarfed by our carseat
And, of course, Mama couldn't resist getting some souvenir footprints before leaving.
So, that was that! We buckled and wedged little Lily into her carseat and headed home. Yay! So, Dad is not taking quite as few pictures at the moment because we actually have to take CARE of our baby instead of just watching how easy the nurses make it look, but as things settle I'm sure we'll start going picture crazy again, so stay tuned!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Big News! Lily is coming HOME tomorrow!!
This news was actually just the latest and biggest in a series of big happenings for little Lily. Already, for the last few days her nurses had been saying she was doing really well and would probably go home "within the next two weeks". (Lily, shown here wearing a stylish pink jacket from her Tata Cathy, looks understandably concerned).
Then, a couple days back, in response to her waking up at her scheduled feeding times with a ravenous appetite, they increased her bottle feeds...first from 30ml to 36, then 40, up to her current "as much as she'll eat", which is over 50ml at times! Then yesterday, everything happened at once. They removed her feeding tube, but then promptly fitted her with a special monitor to track her "A's and B's" (a.k.a. apnea and brachycardia). Mostly, this involves a sensor for her heart (which she didn't mind) and some sensors over her nostrils and upper lip to detect her breathing (which she didn't like at ALL). They proceeded to monitor her for 12 hours for any unusual heart rates or respiration, and she passed with flying colors.
So this morning, as we were hanging out with her, tubeless for the first time in weeks, the NICU pediatrician comes by and announces that everything is looking great, she's been doing terrific and that "she can go home with you today. Or tomorrow, if that's better for you. Is before noon OK?" Yikes!! As luck would have it, though, mama and dada have been working pretty hard the last few days to get the house ready, so after a few more semi-frenzied hours getting the last few things in order this afternoon, we think we're ready! (As ready as we'll every be, anyways...)
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Gong Xi Fa Cai! Happy Chinese New Year
Today is the beginning of Chinese New Year, specifically the Year of the Pig. In honor of this being the Year of the Pig, Po Po and Gung Gung had sent Lily this really cool piggy bank, even though she was technically born in the Year of the Dog. She was SUPPOSED to be a Pig, but she was too impatient!
She really only got to have a couple weeks of the Year of the Dog...18 days, to be exact. But those 18 days have been prety momentous for her. It's interesting for Mama and Dada - because we see her every day, we don't necessarily realize how much she's changing, but we think this picture tells the tale: 1................................. day 18.........................Saturday, February 17, 2007
How to know when there's something new on my blog...
Well, anyways, there are a couple ways you can know when I have an update:
1) if you go to, put in your email address and for the "feed address", you'll automatically get an email every time I get a new posting.
2) if you're into RSS newsfeeds, that same link is the link to use for me.
I got this information from dada, I don't know much about it but it sounds interesting. Apparently, these feeds don't use milk of any kind! Wow, the internet is amazing!
In other news, mama and dada gave me another bath today. This time, dada helped instead of just filming, which of course made things go much less smoothly, but I still liked it. I think he was nervous because one of the steps on the bath involves transferring me from my bed to the tub without my diaper on, and dada is still a bit gun-shy from the projectile poop incident. Tee hee! But I decided to go easy on him because baths are so fun, I don't want him to be traumatized into not giving me any.
Mama caught flirting with other babies (but I forgive her)
Dada says this baby weighs four times as much as me. Wow! But I'm pretty proud of myself anyways. My official weight yesterday was 3 pounds 15.8 ounces, but considering I gain at LEAST an ounce a day, I'm sure I'm WELL over four pounds by now.
Friday, February 16, 2007
This time, she got me
Remember a week ago, when Lily missed me with the projectile poop but said she'd get me next time? Well, it took her a week but she is a woman of her word. Funny though, it really is true that parenthood changes you, because we actually found it cute.
This photo was actually taken earlier in the day, but I now realize she was proactively mocking me, because she knew what was going to happen later.
In non-poop news, we took a baby CPR class today, which we hope to never need but are glad to know! Pinky was very cute in the practice with the mannequin, she seemed to not want to disturb it. Lily is continuing to feed like a champ (up to 3 lbs 12.6 oz now), and dad even got to get in on the act by bottle feeding her TWICE. Yay! Dad likes feedings because he gets to harass his child to keep her from falling asleep halfway through. "No sleep, Pinklet!!" But once she's done she gets to sleep with mama or dada cuddling her, and that's nice for everyone. Aaaahhhhh, bliss!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Lily's FAQ: when do I get to come home?
The most common question we get about Lily is when does she get to come home. Just to debunk the common myths, it's not a set time, and she doesn't need to be a particular weight. Here's the deal on how it works:
They say the rule of thumb is, expect to stay in until your due date, but most babies beat that so I think it's a parental placebo to keep us chilled out. What it actually comes down to is (and Lily's status regarding said items):
- off any IVs and medication (check)
- no assisance needed to breathe (check)
- can maintain own body temperature (check)
- remembers to breathe, i.e. no apnea episodes longer than I think 20 seconds at a time (check)
- can suck, swallow, and breathe in a coordinated fashion, i.e. eat (check)
- is consistently gaining weight without help (wellllll...)
Basically, Lily just needs to get stronger and bigger. She actually feeds really well for her "age", but she gets tired and can't consistently eat as much as she should for them to feel comfortable taking out her feeding tube. SO that's really her last major hurdle. When they think she's almost ready they give her essentially a 3-day "trial period" where she has to do all those things under supervision in the NICU, and if she passes, home she goes! If she backslides on any of them (which can happen, and is totally normal, nothing to get concerned about), she's bought herself an automatic 5 days more.
She's doing really good on all of this, so we think she should be home pretty soon!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentines Day
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Mooooommmmm! When's dinner??
Hi! Lily here again. One thing dada forgot to mention in his last post is that I'm also getting a lot stronger. Since I'm not tired all the time anymore, I have enough energy to cry when I'm hungry. Which is pretty much every three hours, on the dot, so don't be late! I'm very reasonable about it, soon as I get just a little food in me, I'm happy as a clam! Mama and Dada also do this think called "containment" where they put one hand on my head and the other on my feet. It's oddly soothing! They use that to buy some time when the nurses aren't ready with my food yet. Dada says he's the Baby Whisperer, I think that's some sort of pop culture reference. Don't get too comfortable Dada! You have yet to see me REALLY mad!
(In this picture, I hollered so loud it made my hat fall off)
Monday, February 12, 2007
What a difference two weeks can make!
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Pretty in pink
So what's been going on with me since my last big update? Well, I'm really becoming a big girl! As of last night, I am officially over my birth weight, which mama and dada think is very exciting. Better still, I am off my IV! That makes ME excited because people don't stick me as much anymore (it makes me mad sometimes when people stick me too much), and I have one less dangly thing to deal with. Dada says I'll be wireless soon...he seems to think that's funny, but I don't really know what he's talking about. I suspect that's going to be an ongoing problem with him...
In other news, I am now eating what my nice nurses call a "full feed" of 30 ml every three hours. They seem pretty impressed that I'm so good with the nipple, apparently most babies my age don't really know how to use one. I don't know why, it's EASY! Other than that, I sleep a lot, and I hardly EVERY cry. Today, I am wearing another new outfit from my Tata Rina, this one is pink (like my nickname!). Oooh, and I almost forgot! Today, I played a trick on dada! He was changing my diaper, and I projectile pooped! He managed to catch most of it in the diaper he was about to put on me, so I didn't get him this time, but there's going to be lots of chances in the future so I'm not worried.
She shoots, she SCORES! I'll get dada for sure next time.
Later today, mama and dada are going to give me a bath. I'm not so sure about that, my first one made me kind of mad, but we'll see how this one goes.
OK, that's it! Kisses to everyone! Thanks for all the nice visits, I hope to meet the rest of you soon!
Lily Scholz
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Monday, February 5, 2007
My new outfit
Daddy is letting me use his computer so I can post for myself...I just wanted to thank my Tata Rina for my cute outfit! I'm very relieved, those white tee shirts they have in the NICU are SOOOOO last year. I can't wait to try all the other cute outfits people have been giving me!
I had a super nice visit with my mommy and daddy tonite. I think I'm starting to get the hang of breastfeeding! Mommy helps me though. The only bummer thing tonite was that the nurses wanted to measure me. I didn't like that at ALL. I'm all cozy and they put me on this cold scale! But once mommy and daddy were 'tuggling me everything was all better. I think daddy dozed off a bit during his turn though. He was all pooped! He should take more naps. I especially recommend napping while swaddled, it's very soothing.
Lily Angela-Rose
P.S. don't worry about the tube in my nose. The nurses put it in just in case, but I don't need it, I can finish my bottle all by myself. But it is nice when we're trying breastfeeding, 'cause that can be tiring and this way I can be fed afterwards while I'm napping. Daddy is jealous, he wishes he could eat and sleep at the same time too.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Friday, February 2, 2007
For the record...
Thursday, February 1, 2007
"No, bear, this is MY tanning bed!"
And now, the rest of the stoooory...
Some of you know at least parts of this already, but for the benefit of all, Pinky and I had a bit of an unexpected turn to our weekend:
Mom and baby are doing great! We're in the NICU, but she's not requiring any sort of special support except an IV until she get's the eating thing totally dialed in. Needless to say, she's got Mama and Dada wrapped around her finger. In fact, THIS finger:
(yes, Mr. Mocklar, it is an eeevil neonatal ICU...)
It'll be a while before we can take her home, but we sure are having a great time together!
Talk to you soon,
Marcus, Pinky and Lily