Hey, all,
Some of you know at least parts of this already, but for the benefit of all, Pinky and I had a bit of an unexpected turn to our weekend:

Sorry to take so long to get a full message out, but as you might imagine we're a bit busy! Bottom line: Lily Angela-Rose Scholz is here and she's perfect. She's q
uite early (only 32 weeks), so needless to say it's a surprise! At our ultrasound last Friday the doc noted we seemed to be having contractions, so we went to get checked out on a monitor and while we were there

Pinky's water broke! But we figure, if it's gonna happen you couldn't ask for more than to be at a hosptial, ON a baby monitor when it does! Pinky managed to keep her in an extra three days, and that plus a steroid shot got Lily to the point where her little lungs work just fine. She's a petite 3 pounds 4 ounces, 39 cm, born 12:22AM on January 30th after a brief labor her idiot father totally misread as a bad reaction to Ambien, culminating in a unintentional natural childbirth procedure as we rushed to deliver baby before she came out on her own anyways.
Fortunately, the nurses and docs at Mary Birch hospital are a good bit smarter than said idiot father, so baby received the best of care. Oh, and if those are the kind of yells she makes with *underdeveloped* lungs, we're in for it. :-)

Mom and baby are doing great! We're in the NICU, but she's not requiring any sort of special support except an IV until she get's the eating thing totally dialed in. Needless to say, she's got Mama and Dada wrapped around her finger. In fact, THIS finger:
(yes, Mr. Mocklar, it is an eeevil neonatal ICU...)
It'll be a while before we can take her home, but we sure are having a great time together!
Talk to you soon,
Marcus, Pinky and Lily
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