It's definitely a relief to have Dada's parents here. Lily has actually been taking it pretty easy on us, all things considered, but it's nonetheless pretty tiring, and as first-time parents it's nice to have the benefit of their experience. They've gone shopping for us, help hold and feed the baby, and generally provide emotional support. We wish they lived here. I'm seriously considering an online petition...
They're not the only visitors our Lily has had, though...we had a WHOLE bunch of Mojicas this weekend!
And Toto Kevin
And as a special surprise, even Tita Lude from the east coast!
Both grandpas have been here too (and one still is!), but I'm realizing as I write this that they haven't held her yet! C'mon, grandpa, you won't break her!
So how is everyone adjusting? Well, pretty well, all things considered. We had what we considered to be a kind of scary night on Sunday when Lily simply REFUSED to be put down, screaming every time we laid her on her back, and sending Dada into a frenzy of Googling and amateur medical diagnosis. We also pulled up our pediatrician visit from Wednesday to Monday, because Dada was SURE there was something wrong. Of course, on our arrival Lily promptly made a liar of Dad by not only not minding one bit when she was laid on her back, but by having gained 6 ounces and 1/4" in length since her Friday checkup, and generally being the absolute picture of health. The little scamp! Anyways, things have been getting steadily better since then, with Lily tolerating increasingly longer periods in her bassinet and Mama and Dada getting into the groove of sleeping in shifts. She has been absolutely ravenous, though (as evidenced by the impressive weight gain!), so she keeps us from getting too complacent!

Mostly, though, she's our little angel, and we can't imagine how we got by without her.
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