Hi! Lily here again. One thing dada forgot to mention in his last post is that I'm also getting a lot stronger. Since I'm not tired all the time anymore, I have enough energy to cry when I'm hungry. Which is pretty much every three hours, on the dot, so don't be late! I'm very reasonable about it, though...as soon as I get just a little food in me, I'm happy as a clam! Mama and Dada also do this think called "containment" where they put one hand on my head and the other on my feet. It's oddly soothing! They use that to buy some time when the nurses aren't ready with my food yet. Dada says he's the Baby Whisperer, I think that's some sort of pop culture reference. Don't get too comfortable Dada! You have yet to see me REALLY mad!
(In this picture, I hollered so loud it made my hat fall off)
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