Daddy is letting me use his computer so I can post for myself...I just wanted to thank my Tata Rina for my cute outfit! I'm very relieved, those white tee shirts they have in the NICU are SOOOOO last year. I can't wait to try all the other cute outfits people have been giving me!

I love my new outfit!

but I hate being measured

You are THIS close to a knuckle sandwich!

I had a super nice visit with my mommy and daddy tonite. I think I'm starting to get the hang of breastfeeding! Mommy helps me though. The only bummer thing tonite was that the nurses wanted to measure me. I didn't like that at ALL. I'm all cozy and they put me on this cold scale! But once mommy and daddy were 'tuggling me everything was all better. I think daddy dozed off a bit during his turn though. He was all pooped! He should take more naps. I especially recommend napping while swaddled, it's very soothing.
Lily Angela-Rose
P.S. don't worry about the tube in my nose. The nurses put it in just in case, but I don't need it, I can finish my bottle all by myself. But it is nice when we're trying breastfeeding, 'cause that can be tiring and this way I can be fed afterwards while I'm napping. Daddy is jealous, he wishes he could eat and sleep at the same time too.
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