Monday, October 29, 2007


Just a few items from the last few days of our refugee existence, no particular unifying theme, but fun anyways.

Friday: Lily eats prunes for the first time. She had been a bit, ah, irregular this week in addition to her general grumpiness. Saturday, regularity returns with a vengeance. Coincidence? YOU make the call!

Also Friday, we visit Toto Kevin in the city of Old Orange. Her we are posing in the central square. Lily loves fountains, so we always have to go examine them. Orange is quite cute, actually! Many charming little restaurants and antique stores. But the most remarkable feature of this central town square?

At one end, we have a Starbucks...

...and on the opposite side, another Starbucks! (Strategically positioned, I suppose, for people who are afraid of fountains. Not Lily, that's for sure!)

, Marcus goes down to check out the house. Everything is fine! Yaaay! But you can definitely tell something happened. Look at the soot on my windshield! It's even more impressive in the pool...siiiigh.

Across the main road, in Kit Carson Park, hundreds of out-of-town firefighters are camped out. It's like fire engine heaven. (Sorry, Joshy, I think they'll be gone before Thanksgiving).

Later that night, we go with Tata Rina and family to visit Uncle Trent and Auntie Anna (shown here). Auntie Anna is Italian, and cooks us some killer ravioli. Mmmmmm, ravioli...

Sunday morning, Lily takes her first driving lesson. Eyes on the road, young lady!!

But at last, all good things must come to an end, but not before Nono and Nana have one last picture with all the little girls. For some reason, Lily and Mallory seem to find this puzzling, but Madi takes it in stride, even glamming it up with her tiara.

And then off for home! We now (hopefully!) will return to our more mundane, regularly scheduled blogging.

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